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We help busy women and men with chronic headaches and jaw pain achieve independence from medications, injections and multiple MD visits and return to the activities they love.

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People who we help include busy women and men that are…

Frustrated by their headache and jaw pain placing a limit on the time spent with their kids and family.

Upset because they have to avoid the activities they love and spending less time with their friends.

Unclear about what the exact reason or root cause of their problem is and if there is anything they could do to bring about a more positive and permanent change.

Unhappy that you did not receive the 1-on-1 attention you needed from another clinic or you did exercises that you could have done at home and missed the value of a hands-on approach.

Overwhelmed by feeling a loss of control and being at the mercy of their headache and jaw pain.

Tired of using medications and other treatments that provide only a temporary relief from their problem.

How can Kane Physiotherapy change this and why does our philosophy and mission make us stand apart from other clinics?

A comprehensive evaluation to begin to get at the root cause of your problem

Each treatment session will be a full-hour with a Doctor of Physical Therapy

A hands-on approach using highly effective manual techniques

Listening to your frustrations and goals and including You in the plan of care

Using the Kane Physiotherapy approach by treating your problem in a natural and wholistic manner which will lead to more permanent and lasting results

Whether you have been dealing with a chronic problem for months and years or this a new concern that you feel needs your attention, we would be happy to discuss it with you and address any questions that you may have so you have a complete understanding of the best options for you.


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Robert Kane is a native of Chicago, Illinois and is the  owner of Kane Physiotherapy. Dr. Kane received his B.S. in Biology from Northeastern Illinois University and attended Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science for his Doctorate in Physical Therapy. Dr. Kane has been a licensed massage therapist since 2001.

Dr. Kane has pursued a rigorous continuing education path that includes manual therapy, vestibular (balance & dizziness), TMJ/jaw dysfunction and craniofacial conditions (headaches and neuralgias) and pain. He has worked as a Doctor of Physical Therapy for 12 years and brings extensive experience from his positions working in outpatient and home health settings.

Dr. Kane helps women and men with chronic headaches and jaw pain return to the activities they love without the need for medications, injections and multiple visits to their physician. He specializes in treating people with chronic head, neck and jaw conditions and pain that have not responded well to traditional treatments and therapies with the goal of helping people in their journey towards health so they can return to the quality of life that they want.

Dr. Kane enjoys reading (all genres), playing guitar (not very good but that doesn't stop me), exercising, cooking vegetarian meals and spending time with my beautiful twins, Ana and Alek, and my lovely wife Joanna.


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